To the editor:

Robert Lee’s rather morose April 16 take on the current political situation was such a downer. With spring in the air, will someone just show him some bluebirds, or buy him a sticky bun? Please. Just do something to lighten up Mr. Lee and convince him that President Obama has not soiled his corn flakes, nor are any ISIS bogeymen crouching in his closet. At least, not today.

He advocates revolt and taking back what is “ours,” but against what, and from whom, is he suggesting? Taking back dysfunctional legislative bodies installed after off-year elections where a meager 37 percent of voters showed? Revolt from an administration chosen twice, convincingly, in elections where a healthier 60 percent participated?

In an earlier piece Mr. Lee was dismissive of “Uncle Bernie,” unicorns and freeloaders. I can understand basic circumspection toward Sanders’ positions, but Lee would do better to contemplate the youth at those massive rallies, and consider their hopes and economic realities are far different than those for his and my generation.

Contrast that with the candidate of bigger walls to keep immigrants away, and of the often perplexing attitudes toward women. While the GOP may yet right its ship, the angry people they welcomed aboard in their earlier anti-Obama zeal now have it foundering.

Robert Lee should find plenty of commentary in the mind-numbing approaches of those currently running both Raleigh and Washington. They are either so obsessing about imagined public bathroom activities that business is leaving the state as fast as the “Carolina Comeback” encouraged it; or, they have loaded the gears of national government with so much sand that they can no longer pass a budget, nor fulfill basic constitutional duties to a very acceptable U.S. Supreme Court nominee.

Mr. Lee should take heart that just as we will survive the woes we see in our government, so will he get past the Obama presidency.

Douglas Smith
