To the editor:

I recently read a letter to the editor praising a caravan of Confederate flag fliers. I’ll bet good money that the writer of that letter used to love the parades of Rockingham that included the Ku Klux Klan. We aren’t gonna bring that back either, Fred.

These young people Fred saw may have been on their way to the Columbia, South Carolina capitol. The KKK was certainly there flying that “Heritage of Hate” flag sky-high. It is funny how many of the young folks will take that same flag and use it as their symbol of hatred for blacks. Dylann Storm Roof comes to mind.

All of the mean demonstrators and “homegrown terrorists” I have ever seen have ALL been waving Dixie. With that being said…

If you really want to get back to their “heritage,” then try “discovering” a new land, kill all of the occupants and take some “slaves” there.

The South fought the North because “Dixie” refused to free her slaves. Your heritage therefore is one of treason that fought to oppress people and use them as free labor.

Your Dixie is a flag of American treason. Proud, brave treasonous fools! Your heritage is the white flag of cowardice and surrender. The South will not ever rise again. It never rose the first time.

Patti Almanza


Photo contributed by Patti Almanza contributed by Patti Almanza