To the editor:

Americans should never believe Obama is telling them the truth about their right to bear arms. It is plain to see he has no use for guns — except for those that guard him and his family. His ultimate goal is to disarm America.

Just look at what he has done to Americans’ national health insurance. He and the Democrats have dismantled and destroyed an industry we have almost always known. Now some rates have almost doubled because of the government. Obamacare was mostly designed for ne’er-do-wells who depend on the government for everything. The people who get up and go to work will have to pay for it all.

Now he wants all of our guns because he thinks he has the power to change the Constitution. He may say he is not coming after our guns, but we all know that is his goal. He does not want us armed. His goal has always been to transform the United States. That is why we have lost the 40-hour workweek. That is why we see so many closed businesses.

I believe he thinks America should be more like Cuba where the government has taken the people over. You won’t see anybody with a gun in Cuba unless they work for the government. That way, the government is master of the people.

Once we have lost the power of freedom, we can never get it back. Just ask the people in other countries where the government has taken them over. I’m betting they will mostly be afraid to speak.

We must stop this transformation this year. We have to vote the Democrats out!

Fred S. Caudle
